Member’s Challenges 2024

The Fabrics Challenge’ for the Exhibition:

  • Those entering will be given two fat quarters of fabric (donated by Neil).
  • You will be required to make an item using at least some of both the supplied fabrics.
  • You may include any other fabric of your choice and any embellishments.
  • Items must be quilted with the usual front, wadding and backing.
  • The item is your choice and can be quilts, cushions, bags, wall hangings, art quilts, toys etc. It is up to your imagination.
  • This will be a challenge judged on artistic merit and innovative use of the supplied fabric, rather than strict quilt judging rules.
  • Please consider how your item will be displayed.
  • Entry is free.
  • Challenge has been set by Neil Jackson.

The Christmas Challenge:

Dear Members,

This year your Christmas Challenge will be to make something to display in an embroidery hoop.

  • Embroidery hoop can be any size.
  • Design may be made in the hoop or put in the hoop later.
  • Think of an interesting technique – embroidery, patchwork, applique, sashiko, kantha, mixed media, printed, dyed, 3D, etc. etc.
  • Think of an interesting theme – portrait, flowers, landscape, modern art, animals, nature, patchwork block, etc. etc.
  • Think of embellishments to enhance your design.
  • When complete and in the frame please tidy the back with a covering.
  • Write your name and the title of your work on the back covering.
  • The winner will be decided by Viewer’s Choice at the Christmas Party.
  • Thank you for participating – have fun- Elizabeth Buzzell

Last Year’s winner “Easter Eggs ” by Elizabeth B